

Travel. Culture. Politics.


saudi arabia

The Day Has Come: Saudi women can drive

It happened.

Daughter to Father: A Third Culture Kid’s take on life in Saudi Arabia

My father fits into three “rare” categories. He’s a U.S. military veteran, an expatriate, and a single-father. That last category is perhaps the rarest - particularly since he was one of the only single-father expats allowed to live in Saudi Arabia.

Getting personal with the Liebster Blog Award

In the vast world of blogging, the Liebster Blog Award is a gentle, virtual hug from a fellow blogger. I've been nominated by the 2trvlrs, a wonderful couple (Theresia and Dave) who galavant around the world together and post gorgeous pics... Continue Reading →

38 Signs You Grew Up in Saudi Arabia

Every shawerma you eat for the rest of your life will be compared to the first impeccable shawerma you had in Saudi.

The Un-Americanized American

Reverse culture-shock is a thing.

Daughter to Father

She is a part of a generation that he will struggle to understand.

The Abaya & Feminism in Saudi Arabia

It's complicated.

The One with the Blonde Saudi: Leah

I wish that we could accept and love each other’s differences.

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