

Travel. Culture. Politics.



The one with the Indo-Canadian (& UX Designer): Aditi

Uncovering, telling and sharing these stories is my personal way of battling the odd loneliness and confusion that accompanies being a TCK. Particularly in a world becoming more tribal, intolerant and blind. What we need now more than ever is humanity, and how best to spread that? Through stories.

The One With the Polish Cultural Chameleon: Marysia

"I don't really belong to one nationality or country, but to a blend of different cultures."

Advice on Moving from Canada to Miami & Living the Expat Life

The city of vice is an inspiration, and so is this blog. Read how two Canadian girls took their life to Miami and followed their foodie passions.

Icelandic mom, German father, American daughter. Where's home?

Woman to Woman: True Power is Having the Courage to Live

The following is a guest post from my friend Maria, and focuses on her experience living and working in Kakuma, Kenya where the Kakuma Refugee Camp is located. This camp is located in the Turkana District of the northwestern region of Kenya... Continue Reading →

The One with the Blonde Saudi: Leah

I wish that we could accept and love each other’s differences.

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